

Building a Real T-shirt Business

It’s important I provide you with some realistic expectations … A lot of people think that starting a t-shirt business is easy.

And for the most part, it is. But it’s going to require a lot of your time, effort, energy and money to really get things up and going.

You heard the saying … “If it were that easy, everyone would be doing it…”

But it’s not that simple … and for most of you, you’ll be your own worse enemy. The need to satisfy that instant gratification will put most of you out of business when the sales don’t start rolling in right away…

This business will require money to get started. You’ll need to pay for

  • a graphic designer to get your t-shirt design ideas created
  • a heat press machine to get your designs transferred onto a t-shirt
  • screen printed transfers with your design ideas already one them (not the cheap stuff you buy at Hobby Lobby, Wal-Mart, Michaels, Jo-Ann’s, etc.)
  • advertising to get potential people to see your shirts
  • a website to showcase your designs
  • website hosting
  • shopping carts & merchant accounts to process credit card payments
  • and a few other miscellaneous stuff

When I got started in the business, I didn’t go the screen printing route. It was too expensive.

I took a weekend screen printing class to learn the process and realized quickly realized it would be a nightmare trying to learn all of that stuff…

Plus, I didn’t have the space to house all of that equipment.  Besides, many city government offices wouldn’t even let you run that type of business from your house anyway — not too mention all of the toxic fumes and liquids you gotta handle everyday.

If you’ve never seen what’s involved in screen printing a single shirt, watch the video below … it ain’t easy … and notice all of the equipment you’ll need to have (and learn how to use)…

(this video was edited to speed up the time, but this process takes hours… and depending on your equipment, you may have to wait until the next day to continue… But all of this was done over a bunch of ‘hours’… not minutes)

Did you see all of the equipment you need to have??? No where to put that inside of a house or an apartment…

Who has time to learn all of that … I certainly didn’t.

Thank God for Heat Presses & Plastisol Transfers

This is how I got started … and it’s the BEST way to make screen print quality shirts from home!

Watch the short video below to get an idea of how my method works!

(just watch the first 3 minutes)

Yep … as you saw in the video, this is the only other method on the market that would allow you to create screen print quality shirts. The other stuff on the market doesn’t come close to the quality offered here.

Regarding the inks on the screen printed transfers — these are the same type of inks (plastisol ink) used by screen printers to screen print onto actual t-shirts. But instead of putting the ink onto your t-shirts, these guys put them onto a special release paper called ‘plastisol transfers’.

When transferring these inks from the transfer paper with my heat press machine, I’m essentially making a screen print quality t-shirt… The inks do not peel, split, crack, smear or fade. It’s just as good as an actual screen printed shirt.

In fact, many screen printers can’t tell the difference when presented with the shirt.

But that’s not the best part … It’s cheap.

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