Cheatsheet for Starting a T-shirt Business on a Shoestring Budget
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The Fastest Path to Success in the T-shirt Business
Some Basics You Must Understand in Order to be Successful
Before I breakdown all of these various resources, I first want to give you the winning formula for building a successful and profitable t-shirt business. Most startups make the same mistake. Heed my advice and you could save yourself a bunch of money and time.
When my mom and I started selling t-shirts online, we put up a bunch of t-shirt designs from a variety of different categories.
For example, we had Christian themed shirts on the website; we also had t-shirts for nurses, teachers, firemen, policemen, and we even had some for school bus drivers and cowboys.
While it seemed like the logical thing to do, we later learned it costs too much money to market and advertise to all of these categories at the same time. And it takes too much time trying to build relationships and marketing material for each of these different categories.
We also learned that people like to buy from businesses who 'specialize' in one thing (category) ... They tend to like people who are passionate about 'one' particular topic.
So we decided to ditch all of those different categories and focus on just one category: Christian t-shirts.
That decision changed everything and made life sooo much easier for us.
We discovered it was much easier to put all of energy and resources towards one niche. When you have limited funds, it's not wise to spread that money over 5, 10 or 15 different things or categories. Because of this decision, we were able to do more with the limited funds because it was all focused on one category.
As you go through this resource page, I'll break down how niches will be your key to riches in the t-shirt business space. By focusing on 'ONE', it's much easier to be seen, and it's easier to get known.
What is a Niche and Why it's Important to T-shirt Startups
A 'niche' is defined as: Products, services, or interests that appeal to a small, specialized section of the population.
The truly successful t-shirt companies have all specialized in a niche. This is going to be your fastest path to success. If you've done any type of research, you'll know that many of the larger t-shirt brands online focus primarily on funny, humorous, or over-the-top offensive t-shirt slogans or sayings.
That is a niche that appeals to a certain group of people. Others focus primarily on 'political' tees or 'movies'. Others focus exclusively on niches like 'surfing', 'patriotic', or even 'dog' or 'cat' tees.
As you get started with your t-shirt business, your job is to figure out who you wish to target and make t-shirts for. Knowing this from the beginning will help you make money faster.
I've literally made tshirts in one day, and had people buying them the next day because of this philosophy.
Here's Proof You'll Find Your T-shirt Riches in Niches
It's much easier to sell to people already interested in what you're selling. And it's easier to create shirts that people are most likely to buy if you put them in front of them.
For example, look at the numbers on the following chart (these numbers come from a keyword tool I use in my Google Ads account)
It shows the phrase 'christian t shirts' was searched in Google 27,100 times the previous month (these are real numbers from Google Inc).
Isn't it easier to make and sell 'christian t-shirts' to people that's actively on Google looking for them?
Add up the other numbers on the chart (christian apparel, christian clothing and christian tee shirts) and it shows over 37,800 actual searches conducted on Google for Christian themed shirts.
Are you seeing how this 't-shirt niche' thing makes your life easier? You literally create and design shirts that people are actively looking for each day. With this model, you don't have to go find customers; they're already searching for you!
Check Out These Other Amazing Examples
See the chart breakdown from Google:
- 40,000 searches on Google for 'funny t shirts'
- 8,100 searches for 'Donald Trump' t shirts
- 3,600 searches for '2nd amendment shirts'
If you're into skateboarding, there's almost 600 searches for it. Over 5K searches for teacher shirts.
There's literally hundreds of categories/niches you can make t-shirts for. Just pick one and get started (you can also use this tool to get ideas for t-shirts and you can use this tool to check if theres already an interest for the topic/niche you're thinking about targeting).
What you see here are just a few searches. You haven't seen anything yet. This is just the surface stuff.
The #1 Reason Why Choosing a Niche is Your Best Option
At some point, as you start to build your brand, you will have to spend money on advertising to get your t-shirts in front of the people whose most likely to buy.
And when you know who your niche market is, it's going to be much easier to find them and put your t-shirt designs in front of them.
For our Christian t-shirts, we marketed and advertised on Christian themed websites and blogs. We advertised in Christian newsletters (both print and digital). We advertised on Christian radio stations.
We did this because our research showed us this is where Christian folks frequented. And when you know where your 'peeps' hang out, you can put your marketing (your t-shirts) in front of them.
For example, there are a bunch of Christian/religious themed forums and message boards on the Internet. That's a great place to advertise because there are a bunch of new Christians (and devoted ones) actively participating in conversations happening within these forums (see example screenshot below):
As you can see in the screenshot above, there are 10,000 posts/topics in this one study group. There are 413,000 posts/topics in another group, and 58,000 in another, and so on.
Many forums similar to this will allow you to advertise your company/brand there. Remember, our goal was to advertise our 'Christian t-shirts' to a group of people likely to purchase (would it make any sense to take my limited funds and advertise Christian t-shirts in a forum or community dedicated to golfing?
Absolutely not...
In the screenshot below, you'll see this Christian based counseling company promoting their services inside a Christian forum (remember to go where your 'peeps' are. This is how you win BIG and FAST!)
In addition to forums, we did a bunch of direct mail (targeting churches and ministries for fundraisers).
As I mentioned earlier, when you know who you're targeting, it much easier to get your shirts in front of the right people that are likely to purchase your stuff.
How to Choose a Niche for Your T-shirt Company
If you're not sure where to start, I'd suggest you look at stuff you're already interested in, or have a passion for. Start by thinking of your hobbies or your job.
If you're a nurse, chances are, you've dealt with a variety of situations where you can come up with catch phrases that other nurses would quickly understand and relate too... Like these below:
Nurses would quickly understand these says ...
So start with your job... If that doesn't work, take an assessment of yourself.
Are you funny? Do you play bingo? Do you have a passion for pets (like dogs, cats, pigs).
Are you a sports car fanatic? Are you passionate about protecting the environment?
Are you a hair stylist? Are you a plant based foodie? Are you into the Keto diet?
Are you a fitness junkie?
Start where your interests are...
My 16 year old daughter is into skateboarding ... Naturally, skateboard t-shirts would be a great starting point for her. In fact, she asked me to help her come up with some ideas for skateboarding t-shirts.
The following is one of her creations...
Did You Know NIKE is Niched?
Before I close this out, I wanted to give you an example of a well-known brand that has carved out a niche for themselves...
On the surface, it would appear that NIKE is not niched. But they really are.
Think about it for a minute ... Who are their products targeting?
That's right ... Athletes!
According to NIKE itself (and you can see this mission statement on their website), "NIKE's innovations, products, and services seek to develop athletic potential."
And they do it very well.
NIKE is the biggest player in the athletic apparel market with over $28 billion in yearly sales.
If niching is good enough for NIKE, shouldn't you be doing it?
Now It's Your Turn to Just Do It
Your key to being successful in this business is to make a decision to actually start. Most of the people who reach out to me are held back by fear.
They're fearful no one will buy their t-shirt designs. They're fearful that their t-shirt business will fail.
Here's the truth...
You will make mistakes. Some of your t-shirt ideas won't sell.
Even I have come up with ideas I thought would be real winners, but ended up tanking and didn't sell.
It happens, and that's the nature of this business.
But here's the secret ... A few of your designs will do well. Those few designs will make up for all of the losses you're sure to incur on this journey. But YOU just have to keep trying and not be so quick to quit.
So I encourage you to just get started now...
If you only have one t-shirt design idea, then start with that. You don't have to have 10, 20 or 30 ideas to get started. Just start with what you got and go from there.
Ready to Launch Your T-shirt Business?
I've put together a bunch of resources, trainings, tutorials, wholesale vendors, trademark processes to help you start, grow and build your t-shirt company from home. Click the button below to learn more:
The Simple, Quick, and Affordable Way to Make Screen Print Quality Shirts at Home
There are multiple ways to get your designs onto the shirt.
There's screen printing, direct-to-garment (DTG), and screen printed transfers with the use of a heat press.
Screen Printing T-shirts
Screen printing provides the best optimal results. The only problem is the cost. It's super expensive to get all of the proper equipment needed to screen print. It can easily cost upwards of $15,000 - $20,000 to get just the basic stuff.
It'll be almost impossible to even think about running this out of your home.
In addition to that, the learning curve is atrocious. You'll spend months learning how to make it all work.
Direct-to-Garment (DTG)
I've never purchased, nor used this type of equipment. I can't really give feedback on this method.
Research (and feedback from others) indicate it's very expensive. If you're doing a ton of 'one-off' shirts, this may be an option for you.
If you're considering going the DTG route, consider buying used. I've seen them for practically free from those who thought they wanted to get into the t-shirt space.
Screen Printed 'Plastisol Transfers' and a Heat Press Machine
The #1 method for making quality t-shirts would be screen printing ... The 2nd best method for making quality t shirts would be with screen printed transfers; also known as plastisol transfers.
Plastisol is a type of ink screen printers use to print onto shirts. We use plastisol transfers because as the name implies, the inks on the transfer paper are plastisol inks. When you make tshirts with this method, you essentially get a screen print quality shirt (see video above for actual example).
The release paper you see in the video are NOT the same types of paper you purchase in the store and run through your printer ... These are two totally different types of paper and processes.
You cannot find this type of paper in the store. As mentioned in the video, a screen printer will take your design and screen print it directly onto release paper that can be used later to transfer your designs onto some type of garment.
There are many screen printing vendors that'll do this on your behalf.
Technology has made the turnaround time much faster, and costs much cheaper.
EXAMPLE: For a one-color design, the company below charges a $25 setup fee + .15 cents per transfer.
If you ordered 50 transfers, your cost would be $7.50 (for 50 transfers) + the $25 (setup fee) and broken down, you're looking at about .65 cents per transfer; which is much cheaper than using a traditional screen printer to make your shirts.
There are other companies that may charge a smaller setup fee, or no minimums. The higher quantity you purchase, the costs per transfer goes down even lower. And you can typically have these custom transfers in hand within a matter of days.
Understand that the more colors you have in your design, the more it'll cost you. That's standard practice with screen printing. More colors require more screens to be made, more work, and more money. So keep that in mind when creating your designs.
Ready to Launch Your T-shirt Business?
I've put together a bunch of resources, trainings, tutorials, wholesale vendors, trademark processes to help you start, grow and build your t-shirt company from home. Click the button below to learn more:
Print on Demand: This Amazing New Technology Puts You in The T-shirt Business Without Having to Buy Any Equipment, Supplies, or Inventory. This Company Even Ships Tees Direct to Your Customers!
If you have lots of t-shirt ideas twirling around in your head, and you wish to get them online to the masses very quickly, this is going to be the most exciting news you'll ever read.
The technology as it is today, was not available to me when I got started in the business. Because of that, I struggled daily just to get a decent start. The equipment and supplies I needed to get started was very expensive.
I worked extra shifts at my job just so I could buy enough blank t-shirts to get a great wholesale rate.
The family and I ate pinto beans and corn bread for weeks, just so we could afford to get our t-shirt designs made. It was hard, and honestly, I really did not think we'd make it through that first year of business.
But we did survive ... and over time, things finally started to turnaround. More inquiries came in. Our name started to get out. And finally, the sales started to flood in. I even had to fly a friend in from Washington D.C. to help me get the orders out on time!
But the way I got started ... that was the hard way!
Today ... You Never Even Have to Make or Touch a Single T-shirt!
Listen: 22 years ago, the Internet was brand new and it was just getting started.
Back in those days, people were terrified of using their credit cards to buy stuff online. Instead, they'd mail us checks and money orders. Obviously, we couldn't ship their order until their payment arrived, which in most cases, took 3-7 long excruciating days.
And then, we had to wait another 5-10 days for their checks to clear before we could ship.
Fast forward to the 2020s, you'd think I got my t-shirt business started back in the Stone Age.
With advances in technology and fulfillment, you don't even have to purchase any type of equipment, no supplies, and no inventory. Whenever you sell a t-shirt, someone else does all of the hard work and prints the shirt for you.
This amazing process is so simple, you could literally start selling your t-shirt designs today!
Here's how it works...
When a new order comes through your website, you get your money upfront! No more waiting weeks or months to get paid. Your website automatically charges the customer for their order, and the money drops directly into your bank account within 1-3 business days.
After you get paid, the order details are instantly sent to the fulfillment company.
From there, they'll print out the design(s) onto the shirts; they'll package it up with your name and company logo on the outside packaging; and then they'll ship it within 1-2 days directly to your customer.
This all happens whether you're out enjoying quality time with friends or family, or while you're tucked away in your comfortable bed, sound asleep.
No struggling along and trying to keep up with the business like I did.
I remember spending long weekends manually pressing thousands of t-shirts with my heat press machine. There were times when my back would hurt so bad, I couldn't do anything for days.
Each day I didn't press shirts, I got further and further behind. I lost customers because I couldn't keep up with demand.
I spent entire weekends sitting in front of the computer printing out shipping labels and packaging t-shirts to be shipped out the following Monday.
But you won't have that problem ...
Whether you sell just one t-shirt, or 777 of them, they'll get printed and shipped within 1-2 days; all without you ever having to lift a finger.
And remember, you get your money upfront ... No more waiting weeks or months for third party vendors to decide when you get your CA$H!
How to Build an Automated T-shirt Business That Works For You 24-7 on Autopilot!
So listen to this ... Many years ago, I thought I wanted to build a big empire with lots of employees. I wanted to look like a big shot, so I went out and got a big fancy office and started hiring people.
But there was a problem. You see, people have all sorts of issues happening in their own personal lives. The more people I hired, I found myself spending less time on my business, and had to spend more of my time being a counselor, a coach, a loan officer, and security guard to these employees ... It's a nightmare.
At any given time ...
- Somebody always needed money for their car to get fix
- Someone always came to work crying because of a nasty break-up with their boyfriend or girlfriend.
- Someone always needed an advance to pay rent.
- Someone was always calling out of work (usually after they got paid)
- Someone always needed 'motivation'
- Many were just downright lazy and stayed on their cell phones all day (think Facebook).
- Someone always wanted to steal your stuff, and then we had to get 'the law' involved.
- The problems were endless...
I bring all of this up to warn you ... you do not want the headache of managing people! It takes away from your real focus: The Business!
While your t-shirt business runs on autopilot, you get to focus 100% of your efforts on the things that matter most to growing and building a successful t-shirt company.
You get to spend your time coming up with new designs. There's no limit to how many design ideas you come up with. It doesn't cost you one-penny extra to load them onto your website.
Whether you have 6 t-shirt design ideas, or 500 of them, you simply load it up through this amazing app, which automatically puts it onto your website. And when someone orders any of your designs, the data passes through the app and is instantly sent off to get printed, packaged and shipped directly to your customer!
Our Recommended Print on Demand Provider
There are a bunch of companies out there to choose from ... Airwaves on Demand used to be our #1 recommended resource, but a couple years ago we sent all of our members to them and after about a year, they abruptly shut down the service. They're back now, but I no longer recommend them after the catastrophe they caused ...
There's another game in town, and not only can you print t-shirts, you can sell custom coffee mugs, hoodies, canvas and tote bags, sweats, socks and practically anything you can print on.
While they are expensive, it's a great and stable place to start. The more you sell, the less you pay.
Check them out: PRINTFUL
Ready to Launch Your T-shirt Business?
I've put together a bunch of resources, trainings, tutorials, wholesale vendors, trademark processes to help you start, grow and build your t-shirt company from home. Click the button below to learn more:
What are the Best Printers for Getting Custom Screen Print Transfer Paper
There is NO printer that allows you to make screen print transfer. Screen print transfers are actually made by screen printers. In order to make your own, you must buy all of the necessary screen printing equipment.
The closest option would be Direct-to-Garment printing where you buy the printer (can cost upwards of $10,000), and you print directly to the garment itself.
At the end of the day, you're attempting to start a legitimate business. You don't want to start out selling inferior products. You will quickly get a bad reputation and people won't buy from you.
Take your time and save the money you need to get started. While saving, there are a million other things you can do to work on the business (such as drafting out a business/marketing plan and/or sketching out design ideas).
There's plenty to do.
Ready to Launch Your T-shirt Business?
I've put together a bunch of resources, trainings, tutorials, wholesale vendors, trademark processes to help you start, grow and build your t-shirt company from home. Click the button below to learn more:
Why You Shouldn't Use Inkjet Printers to Make T-shirts
Inkjet printers were created to print inks onto papers. They were never designed to print onto t shirts or other garments. Even though you'll find inkjet transfer papers for printing shirts, the quality is inferior.
The inks from a inkjet printer will typically fade and flood out of the garment as soon as you put it through the wash cycle in the washing machine. It can stain and damage other clothes in the load.
Your customers won't appreciate that and you could be liable for damages. In my opinion, it's not a good idea to do this. It's best to just save your money, sell some stuff, or get a part-time job to help fund the startup costs for your new t shirt business.
There's no simple or easy way to do this. There's only the right way. Doing it the right way will help you build a legitimate business that can thrive and be around for a long time.
Cutting corners and trying to be cheap puts you out of business.
Ready to Launch Your T-shirt Business?
I've put together a bunch of resources, trainings, tutorials, wholesale vendors, trademark processes to help you start, grow and build your t-shirt company from home. Click the button below to learn more:
Where to Buy a Heat Press Machine for Pennies on the Dollar
A lot of folks jump into the tshirt business without ever sitting down and mapping out a real plan for building their business. Many of these folks end up letting their equipment sit in their garage or basement without ever using it.
Because of that, you can usually find some incredible deals from folks looking to get rid of their equipment. Craigslist is one of the places I recommend you search to find a deal. I've seen brand new and used heat press machines being sold for as little as $200 bucks
Watch this training to uncover some of the slick strategies and techniques I use to get a steal of a deal:
Ready to Launch Your T-shirt Business?
I've put together a bunch of resources, trainings, tutorials, wholesale vendors, trademark processes to help you start, grow and build your t-shirt company from home. Click the button below to learn more:
How to Get Your T-shirt Designs Created by Top Graphic Designers
In order to get your t-shirt design ideas put onto plastisol transfers, you must send the artwork to the screen printers in a digital format. And you do that by either creating your own designs, or by hiring a graphic designer to create your designs for you.
I love this business because you don't have to know how to draw ... You don't have to have an artistic eye ... And you don't have to know how to use any of the advanced graphic design softwares like Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator.
There are graphic designers out in the marketplace that are far more creative than most of us will ever be. All you have to do is come up with the idea and let them turn your ideas into a masterpiece.
For example, my 14-year old daughter at the time sketched out the following design ideas on a piece of paper ... We posted a project/contest on the Freelancer website, and a graphic designer from Freelancer took her ideas and turned it into the following designs:
The service is very easy to use ... You essentially post a contest. When you post that contest, you write up a detailed description of what you want and envision for your design.
Like my daughter did, to better communicate your ideas, you might have to sketch it out and submit the sketch with the contest post. This way, there's no confusion.
And for the contest, you award a prize ... So, for example, the prize may be $50 dollars.
Once you do that, you submit your contest, and then the details of your contest is broadcast and sent to all of the graphic designers in the Freelancer community.
Those who wish to participate will start creating your t-shirt design idea. Their goal is to hope you like and choose their design so they can win the $50 prize money.
Many of these designers live in foreign countries where their cost of living is very cheap compared to the U.S. cost of living.
So you're essentially tapping into some of the best and top quality graphic designers in the world, and getting artwork done for cheap.
For that $50, it's not unusual to get 50-100 submissions of your idea from multiple designers.
This was another skateboard t-shirt idea my daughter came up with ... We ran this contest on another website called DesignCrowd.
From the contest at DesignCrowd, we ended up getting over 84 design submissions from their community of graphic designers.
My daughter ended up choosing the following design as the winner... Freelancer and DesignCrowd are the only 2 services I use for getting artwork created for t-shirts.
Should You Create Your Own T-shirt Designs or Not?
If you're not already a graphic designer, now isn't the time to learn how to become one. This takes a lot of skill and years of practice. Most of these graphic designers eat, sleep, and drink graphic design.
For the cost to hire someone to do this for you, it just doesn't make sense to learn this. The learning curve for these high-end graphic design programs are ridiculous.
It takes a creative eye and brain to know how to manipulate this software to create and design amazing works of art.
It makes more sense to lean on the expertise of these designers and let them create your masterpiece.
If you still insist on trying to learn this yourself, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator are the 2 main software programs used by graphic designers.
Ready to Launch Your T-shirt Business?
I've put together a bunch of resources, trainings, tutorials, wholesale vendors, trademark processes to help you start, grow and build your t-shirt company from home. Click the button below to learn more:
Costs for Starting a T-shirt Business and the Equipment/Supplies Needed for Pressing Shirts?
Costs can vary depending on if you're purchasing new equipment versus used equipment. It also depends on how many t-shirt design ideas you intend to start with. And it also depends on the number of colors in each of your designs.
As you can see, there are a variety of factors that'll determine your costs ...
In our online training course, we go over the different options available to you, so you can make an informed decision on the route that works best for you.
We cover stuff like ...
- where to buy wholesale t-shirts
- where to get custom screen printed transfers
- how to setup an e-commerce store to sell your shirts
- how to make money with print on demand
- how to market and promote your t-shirt business
- how to get your apparel into the store
- how to package and ship your tees
- and soo much more
Ready to Launch Your T-shirt Business?
I've put together a bunch of resources, trainings, tutorials, wholesale vendors, trademark processes to help you start, grow and build your t-shirt company from home. Click the button below to learn more:
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