Each week I receive a bunch of e-mails from members who are making progress with their new t-shirt start-up. I wanted to share this unique story with you because Raymond and Daisy have literally started their t-shirt business out of an RV (recreational vehicle).

That’s right — they actually live in their RV and decided to start their own t-shirt business from there… For those of you who aren’t familiar with an RV, here is what they look like:


Raymond and Daisy actually live in their RV and with already limited space, they’ve successfully launched their t-shirt business from the RV and have already started to generate revenue.

They could of made a bunch of excuses like… ‘I don’t have enough space’, or ‘we’ll wait until we move into a house’, etc… But they didn’t. They literally started right where they were at.

Take a look at the testimonial they sent me below


What an inspirational story… I get a bunch of these e-mails every week from our TshirtRiches members. I want to help you start, launch and grow your own t-shirt business with the unique t-shirt design ideas you have twirling around in your head…

If you’d like to launch and make money from your own t-shirt business in 2015, signup for our FREE tutorials below!

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“Starting, Launching and Building Your Own T-shirt Empire!”

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