
Bad Fitting T-shirts SUCK – Here’s How This Could Destroy Your T-shirt Brand 

By  Cartess Ross


I was in Kohl’s department store trying on a t-shirt … I absolutely loved the shirt and wanted it bad, but I didn’t like the way it fit. Not only that, I really didn’t like the color white for that design either – but I was willing to still buy it, but it just didn’t ‘wear on me’ right.

i periodically wear this shirt

Which brings me to the point of this short blog post. It’s extremely important you sample a variety of t-shirt styles to see how well they ‘wear’.

Each manufacturer’s shirt will wear and feel different. You need to know how these shirts wear and feel before you start selling your tees to the public. This is important because this is your brand and you want total control over the experience your customer will have, and the only way to know for sure is to try a variety of brands until you find the one that represents your brand.

You don’t want to get into this business and be known as the person who sells cheap shirts that shrink really bad after the first wash. You don’t want to be known for the guy selling bad fitting shirts.

If shirts feel and wear good, your customers will talk about it and will likely continue to buy from you. Putting your designs onto cheap t-shirts can cost you BIG. The people who purchase your tees for the first time are likely to purchase more from you, but if they don’t like the ‘quality’ of the shirts you send them, you run the risk of never getting repeat or referral business from them.

So … Order some sample shirts from a variety of brands to see how they ‘wear’. It might mean spending $100 – $200 to ensure you make the best possible decision on which shirt to use to represent your t-shirt brand!

If you’d like access to a listing of companies that wholesale blank apparel (t-shirts), go here and get access to this vendor resource.


Cartess Ross

I will guide you through this process and provide you with proven strategies to help you build a t-shirt company. As one of the original pioneers to start selling t-shirts online 20 years ago, I've sold millions of dollars in t shirts to people all over the world. I founded TshirtRiches in 2007 to teach others how to turn their t-shirt ideas into a business. So if you're ready, hop onboard and let's make this money!

Cartess Ross

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