Fast Track to Starting a T-shirt Business
This training course is designed to help you:
- Determine if the heat press method or screen printing model is for you (and my recommendation on how to best get started).
- Understand that you really can earn a part-time or full-time living using the t-shirt design ideas you have twirling around in your head
- Learn the various ways to make money selling t-shirts
- Rapidly get started with your t-shirt business in as little as 90-days from now
I’d suggest you watch these video in order — so it all makes sense. If you’re already familiar with the heat press machine and how it works, and you already know about transfer paper, you can skip the first two videos and move along to the remaining ones.
Please watch all of the videos below in it’s entirety, as I’m sure 99% of your questions will be addressed there.
Understanding the Heat Press Machine and it’s Various Attachments That Come With It.
Screen printed transfers (plastisol) versus your typical iron-on heat transfer paper (FAQs)
I got PROOF! Millions of people want your t-shirts and they will pay you for them. In the following training, I reveal how you can find these people and get them to buy your t-shirt designs.
There are a bunch of lies about getting started in this industry. For example, in this biz, you don’t have to know how to draw, you don’t need to go out and buy expensive graphics software, and in fact, you don’t even need a whole lot to get started. I’m going to clear it all up in this training…
How to properly setup a t-shirt website to sell your tees to people all over the world… There are a few secret recipes discussed during this FREE training … and you don’t want to miss it! I also talk about some of the wins and losses I’ve incurred in this business and share a secret element that proves you don’t need to start out with dozens of t-shirts…